Creative inspiration. Where does it originate?
From a Sea Change Design perspective, we are all designers. As designers, we are vision-seekers, summoning transformative resolutions and revelations.
The genesis of change lies in the ability to access the source of our own creativity. From this wellspring of what is profound, intuition and imagination surge forth to meet our urgent needs and dreams.
When we center—we serve. Creativity can guide us through the chaotic and complex maze of presidential elections, climate change, global unrest, technological advances, and economic instability, to where abundant opportunities, hidden until now, are revealed. In the clearing of our intention, a new landscape of authenticity, courage, and conviction comes into view.
Creativity is a life force, an energy of pure potential that flows through all of us.
All that is needed is for us to tap into it, focus and direct it, harness it, and be grateful for it. Creativity is a formidable power that demands respect and in return, offers us the possibility to express our personal truth as well as realize our planetary destiny. It is deeply intimate and yet infinite, both unique and universal.
Some define creation as the origination of new ideas; the emergent properties arising from what already exists; intentional change; or the bringing of form out of chaos.
Could creativity be an invitation, a means, for us to evolve?
This text is excerpted from Born to Create, a meditative manifesto on creativity and an invitation to co-design a life-giving world. To schedule Lauralee Alben to deliver this interactive keynote, contact us.
Sea Change Design Institute
317 Arroyo Seco
Santa Cruz CA
95060 USA